Programs Available Through Calming Kids

Calming Kids offers a number of programs for teachers, parents and children. To find out more call 303-530-3860 
or visit

Children's Yoga Teacher Training Certification

CALMING KIDS trains adults to reach children and teens through yoga.  A non-violence and bully proofing program for Pre- school through High School age educators and health professionals. Learn CK's proven curriculum and implementation strategies to reduce bullying and increase concentration for students.

In-service Workshops

CALMING KIDS provides stress-management workshops for schools, organizations, and associations. A perfect addition to a faculty meeting or staff development program, learn simple calming and bully-proofing techniques to implement in the classroom setting or private session.

Nurture the Nurturer: Stress-Management for Educators

CALMING KIDS provides after-school yoga and stress-management programs for faculty and staff to unwind and rejuvenate from the school day. Self-care is vital for maintaining health, patience, well-being, and balance for adults to role model for students.

CK for Kids and Teens

Using a proven 6-class curriculum that integrates yoga, breathing techniques, stress-management, and non-violent communication strategies, CALMING KIDS teaches students directly. Programs can be implemented during the school day, as an after school program, summer camp or student club.

Enlightened Parenting Class and Privates

A seminar for parents and or families, to understand how to use the CALMING KIDS Techniques at home for stress management, relaxation or communication challenges for themselves and with the entire family. This class is taught as private instruction or in groups.

Last modified: Friday, 31 October 2014, 9:21 PM